Value: East Clayton Extension North of 72 Ave,Mixed Use Commercial/Residential (4-5 storeys) Label: Mixed Use Commercial/Residential (4-5 storeys) Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: East Clayton Extension North of 72 Ave,Special Setback Landscaping Buffers or Corridors Label: Special Setback, Landscaping Buffers or Corridors Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: East Clayton Extension West of 188 St,Storm Water Pond (100 Year Flood Event) Label: Storm Water Pond (100 Year Flood Event) Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: East Clayton Extension West of 188 St,Special Setback Landscaping Buffers or Corridors Label: Special Setback, Landscaping Buffers or Corridors Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: North Grandview Heights,Proposed One Acre Residential Gross Density (RA-G) Label: Proposed One Acre Residential Gross Density (RA-G) Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Single Family (10 upa) or Townhouse with Tree Preservation (15 upa) Label: Single Family (10 upa) or Townhouse with Tree Preservation (15 upa) Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Townhouse (15 upa) or Multi-Family with Tree Preservation (30 upa) Label: Townhouse (15 upa) or Multi-Family with Tree Preservation (30 upa) Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Green Density Transfer (Forest Preservation/Restoration) Label: Green Density Transfer (Forest Preservation/Restoration) Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Storm Water Facility(Location, size of stormwater facility are subject to Engineering approval) Label: Storm Water Facility(Location, size of stormwater facility are subject to Engineering approval) Description: N/A Symbol:
Value: Campbell Heights,Business Park or Live/ Work in Cluster Housing Form Label: Business Park or Live/ Work in Cluster Housing Form Description: N/A Symbol: